Related topics: biofuel

Efficient electrochemical cells for CO2 conversion

Scientists at Stanford University have developed electrochemical cells that convert carbon monoxide (CO) derived from CO2 into commercially viable compounds more effectively and efficiently than existing technologies. Their ...

Carbon dioxide from exhaust fumes used to make new chemicals

To stop global warming, most governments are advocating reducing the amount of carbon dioxide (CO₂), a greenhouse gas, put into the atmosphere. But some argue that such action won't be enough – we will need to remove ...

Better oxygen extraction attracts commercial interest

Developing highly efficient ion transport membranes for the extraction of oxygen for industrial and medical use has earned a team of Curtin University scientists first prize in the university's Commercial Innovation Awards.

New process targets valuable green chemicals

( —Milk cartons, plastic bags, car seats... the list of items made from petroleum extends far beyond fuel, increasing our reliance on limited fossil resources. That's why researchers in the Great Lakes Bioenergy ...

One-pot to prep biomass for biofuels

( —The advantages of the "one-stop" shop have long been recognized in the retailing and services industries. Similar advantages would also be realized for the biofuels industry with the development of a "one-pot" ...

Breaking down biomass with thermophilic bacteria

The deconstruction of biomass is a pivotal process in the biofuel industry, but the enzymes that possess a significant role in the breakdown of biomass remain relatively unexplored. To this end, DOE researchers at several ...

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