Long, cold winter won't affect fire season, says expert

Alberta's long, cold winter won't do anything to dampen the 2019 wildfire season, but being extra careful when working and playing in the forests this spring could help, says a University of Alberta expert.

Tricks to reduce DNA base editor's mistakes

Researchers at the Center for Genome Engineering, within the Institute for Basic Science (IBS, South Korea) have identified the mistake rate of DNA editing tools known as adenine base editors, which are based on CRISPR. Assessing ...

Cell editors correct genetic errors

Almost all land plants employ an army of cellular editors who correct errors in their genetic information. Researchers at the University of Bonn have now transferred parts of this machinery into a bacterium. Their results ...

Immunizing quantum computers against errors

Building a quantum computer requires reckoning with errors—in more than one sense. Quantum bits, or "qubits," which can take on the logical values zero and one simultaneously, and thus carry out calculations faster, are ...

A faster method to read quantum memory

The potential computing revolution that quantum computers have long promised is based on their weird property called superposition. Namely, qubits can take both logical states 0 and 1 simultaneously, on top of any value in ...

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