A clonal crayfish from nature as a model for tumors

A genome study has proven that all specimen of Marmorkrebs, or marbled crayfish, originate from a single female. About 30 years ago, the original clone evolved in an aquarium. Ever since, the female animals have been able ...

Chromosome organization emerges from 1-D patterns

The DNA in a human cell is 2 yards (1.83 meters) long and wraps around millions of bead-like histone proteins to fit inside the cell's nucleus. Researchers at Rice University and Baylor College of Medicine showed that examining ...

An epigenetic key to unlock behavior change

When it comes to behaviour, researchers have moved beyond the "nature versus nurture" debate. It's understood that genes and environment both play a role. However, how they interact at a molecular level to shape behaviour ...

Revolutionary process could signal new era for gene synthesis

A team of scientists led by the University of Southampton has demonstrated a groundbreaking new method of gene synthesis - a vital research tool with real-world applications in everything from growing transplantable organs ...

First step taken toward epigenetically modified cotton

With prices down and weather patterns unpredictable, these are tough times for America's cotton farmers, but new research led by Z. Jeffrey Chen at The University of Texas at Austin might offer a break for the industry. He ...

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