ESA's tiny pinhole thruster is ready for production

Rocket propulsion technology has progressed leaps and bounds since the first weaponized rockets of the Chinese and Mongolian empires. They were nothing more than rocket-powered arrows and spears but they set the foundations ...

Finding a better way to use cameras to reduce crime

Areas of a middle Georgia city have experienced a 20% reduction in crime after deploying a system of mobile cameras guided by an algorithm developed by Georgia Tech researchers.

Removing cesium: Solutions to a chemically complex problem

Fifty-six million gallons. That is the amount of radioactive tank waste left behind at the Hanford Site as a result of the secret government mission to provide the plutonium for the world's first atomic weapons and the Cold ...

Image: Readying a little rover

An engineer prepares a small rover for testing in a thermal vacuum chamber on Oct. 24, 2023, at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Southern California.

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