The true power of the solar wind

The planets and moons of our solar system are continuously being bombarded by particles hurled away from the sun. On Earth this has hardly any effect, apart from the fascinating northern lights, because the dense atmosphere ...

Scientists shrink chemistry lab to seek evidence of life on Mars

An international team of scientists has created a tiny chemistry lab for a rover that will drill beneath the Martian surface looking for signs of past or present life. The toaster oven-sized lab, called the Mars Organic Molecule ...

Simulations document self-assembly of proteins and DNA

What makes particles self-assemble into complex biological structures? Often, this phenomenon is due to the competition between forces of attraction and repulsion, produced by electric charges in various sections of the particles. ...

Team develops new semiconductor processing technology

Extremely fine porous structures with tiny holes, resembling a kind of sponge at nano level, can be generated in semiconductors. This opens up new possibilities for the realization of tiny sensors or unusual optical and electronic ...

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