Rabies trick could help treat Parkinson's disease

The rabies virus wreaks havoc on the brain, triggering psychosis and death. To get where it needs to go, the virus must first trick the nervous system and cross the blood brain barrier—a process that makes it of interest ...

Identifying 'designer' drugs taken by overdose patients

Drug overdoses are taking a huge toll on public health, with potent synthetic drugs posing a particular threat. Medical professionals are scrambling to meet the growing demand for emergency room treatment, but they're hampered ...

New structure of key protein holds clues for better drug design

Scientists at The Scripps Research Institute (TSRI) have peered deep into the heart of a key protein used in drug design and discovered dynamic structural features that may lead to new ways to target diseases. The protein, ...

Scientists reveal 'superbug's' artillery

Monash University's Biomedicine Discovery Institute (BDI) researchers have created the first high-resolution structure depicting a crucial part of the 'superbug' Pseudomonas aeruginosa, classified by the WHO as having the ...

Supercomputers assist in search for new, better cancer drugs

Surgery and radiation remove, kill, or damage cancer cells in a certain area. But chemotherapy—which uses medicines or drugs to treat cancer—can work throughout the whole body, killing cancer cells that have spread far ...

Molecules change shape when wet

In two recent publications in the Journal of Chemical Physics and in the Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, researchers led by Melanie Schnell from the Max Planck Institute for the Structure and Dynamics of Matter at ...

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