Related topics: surface · water

Promising new method for producing tiny liquid capsules

Microcapsules for the storage and delivery of substances are tiny versions of the type of capsule used for fish oil or other liquid supplements, such as vitamin D. A new method for synthesizing microcapsules, reported in ...

Large droplet sorting now possible at high speeds

Bioengineers from UCLA and University of Tokyo have significantly increased the speed at which large liquid droplets, potentially containing individual live cells, can be sorted intact and in bulk.

Cold War nuke tests changed rainfall: study

Nuclear bomb tests during the Cold War may have changed rainfall patterns thousands of miles from the detonation sites, new research has revealed.

Proteasome phase separation for destruction

The proteasome is a major proteolytic machine that regulates cellular proteostasis through selective degradation of ubiquitylated proteins. As the maintenance of protein homeostasis is essential to human health, malfunctions ...

Droplets are key to cells' dynamic activities

A cell is a complex machine whose flexible architecture enables it to take part in life's activities: relaying information, managing waste, responding to stress.

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