Where can I buy a chair like that? This app will tell you

If you think you have a knack for interior design, or just want to spruce up your own home, new technology developed by Cornell researchers may help you choose furnishings the way professionals do. And professionals may find ...

Learning language by playing games

MIT researchers have designed a computer system that learns how to play a text-based computer game with no prior assumptions about how language works. Although the system can't complete the game as a whole, its ability to ...

Images that fool computer vision raise security concerns

Computers are learning to recognize objects with near-human ability. But Cornell researchers have found that computers, like humans, can be fooled by optical illusions, which raises security concerns and opens new avenues ...

Deep learning could prevent you from drunk posting to Facebook

The immense popularity of social media seems to have redefined "privacy" from the sense of keeping information secret to being in control over how information is shared – among friends, colleagues, companies or the government. ...

A new approach to 24/7 air quality monitoring using cameras

Air pollution is a critical global health issue, demanding innovative monitoring solutions. Traditional methods, reliant on ground stations, are expensive and geographically limited, hindering comprehensive coverage. Recent ...

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