What can machine learning reveal about the solid Earth?

Scientists seeking to understand Earth's inner clockwork have deployed armies of sensors listening for signs of slips, rumbles, exhales and other disturbances emanating from the planet's deepest faults to its tallest volcanoes. ...

Machine learning may be a game-changer for climate prediction

A major challenge in current climate prediction models is how to accurately represent clouds and their atmospheric heating and moistening. This challenge is behind the wide spread in climate prediction. Yet accurate predictions ...

Deep learning reconstructs holograms

Deep learning has been experiencing a true renaissance especially over the last decade, and it uses multi-layered artificial neural networks for automated analysis of data. Deep learning is one of the most exciting forms ...

Scientists slash computations for deep learning

Rice University computer scientists have adapted a widely used technique for rapid data lookup to slash the amount of computation—and thus energy and time—required for deep learning, a computationally intense form of ...

Next-gen computing: Memristor chips that see patterns over pixels

Inspired by how mammals see, a new "memristor" computer circuit prototype at the University of Michigan has the potential to process complex data, such as images and video orders of magnitude, faster and with much less power ...

Neural networks explained

In the past 10 years, the best-performing artificial-intelligence systems—such as the speech recognizers on smartphones or Google's latest automatic translator—have resulted from a technique called "deep learning."

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