Urban living leads to high cholesterol... in crows

Animals that do well in urban areas tend to be the ones that learn to make use of resources such as the food humans throw away. But is our food actually good for them? A new study published in The Condor: Ornithological Applications ...

Plan B for cholesterol transport

Cholesterol is a vital cell building block in humans and animals, and an integral part of the so-called cell membrane. This boundary layer separates the interior of the cell from the neighboring cells and the surrounding ...

New lipid shape atlas holds key to early disease detection

Every bit of information about a person's health—their exposure to chemicals, their inherited risks, their current illnesses—lies within their molecules. That's a diverse array of substances that amounts to a number so ...

Lipoproteins behave 'almost like a tiny Velcro ball'

Cholesterol carried in high-density lipoprotein particles, or HDL cholesterol, has been dubbed the good cholesterol, because people whose HDL levels are high have a lower risk of developing heart disease. That link was first ...

A molecular look at nascent HDL formation

Oil and water don't mix. But our aqueous blood is full of different types of hydrophobic lipids—including cholesterol. In order to travel via the bloodstream, those lipids need to hitch a ride on an amphipathic carrier. ...

Team determines how cholesterol moves inside cells

Researchers have found that high-density lipoprotein, or HDL, sometimes referred to as "good" cholesterol, is transported from the outer wall to the interior of cells by a protein that helps create a "bridge" between the ...

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