Using light to connect molecules

Molecular clusters are aggregates of molecules that are held together non-covalently, by relatively weak forces. When these clusters are excited, normally one would expect the cluster to simply break apart. However, a fascinating ...

Researchers discover new superacid

Researchers at Paderborn University have succeeded in producing very special catalysts, known as "Lewis superacids," which can be used to break strong chemical bonds and speed up reactions. The production of these substances ...

Tracing a plant chemistry puzzle to its roots

Graduate student Colin Kim had been making good progress on a scientific puzzle that had fascinated him since he joined Whitehead Institute Member Jing-Ke Weng's lab, trying to understand how coumarin synthase (COSY), an ...

This one-atom chemical reaction could transform drug discovery

Pharmaceutical synthesis is often quite complex; simplifications are needed to speed up the initial phase of drug development and lower the cost of generic production. Now, in a study recently published in Science, researchers ...

CO molecular tilting detected by red-shifted TERS

The invention of scanning probe microscopy (SPM) techniques, including scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM), has led to a paradigm shift in the visualization and understanding of surface structures ...

New strategy proposed for ultra-long cycle lithium-ion battery

In recent years, lithium-ion batteries have been widely used in many fields. Compared with traditional lithium ion battery cathode materials, more lithium ions in lithium-rich manganese-based cathode materials of unit mass ...

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