New technique tracks individual protein movement on live cells

The piece of gold that Richard Taylor was thrilled to track down weighed less than a single bacterium. Taylor, a postdoctoral fellow at the Max Planck Institute, was working to follow individual nanogold-labeled molecules ...

Individual cells respond to electrical signal

Researchers at the Department of Molecular Nanofabrication (part of the University of Twente's MESA+ Institute for Nanotechnology) have published their preliminary results in a prominent article in Angewandte Chemie. This ...

How the flu virus hacks our cells

Influenza epidemics, caused by influenza A or B viruses, result in acute respiratory infection. They kill half a million people worldwide every year. These viruses can also wreak havoc on animals, as in the case of avian ...

The exocyst dynamo

The exocyst is a protein complex essential for life, that is comprised of eight subunits and is a crucial component in vesicle trafficking.

Reconstructing the cell surface in a test tube

Like the phenomena of flocking birds and shoaling fish, the dance of molecules across a cell's surface has long fascinated theorists, physicists and biologists alike. Unlike bird and fish behaviour, however, cell surface ...

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