Protein transport channel offers new target for thwarting pathogen

A bacterium that attacks people suffering from chronic lung disease and compromised immune systems could be halted by disrupting the distribution channels the organism uses to access the nutrient-rich cytoplasm of its host ...

Plant immunity requires two-step detection of invaders

Plants perceive pathogens and activate immunity using two very different types of receptors. Receptors at the cell surface detect pathogen-derived molecules that accumulate outside plant cells, activating pattern-triggered ...

Sugars influence cell-to-surface adhesion

How can cells adhere to surfaces and move on them? This is a question which was investigated by an international team of researchers headed by Prof. Michael Hippler from the University of Münster and Prof. Kaiyao Huang from ...

Putting a face on a cell surface

On the cell surface, anchored in the cell membrane, a wide array of proteins perform functions, which are vital for the cell. These proteins, collectively known as the surfaceome, are a cell's antennae to the outside world, ...

How a bacterial virulence factor promotes its own secretion

In adhering to body cells, many bacteria cause disease. Antibiotics are the usual means for treating infection, but decades of use have led to increasing bacterial resistance. Therefore, scientists are looking at other strategies.

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