Synthetic molecule makes cancer self-destruct

Researchers from The University of Texas at Austin and five other institutions have created a molecule that can cause cancer cells to self-destruct by ferrying sodium and chloride ions into the cancer cells.

Discovery of a primordial cancer in a primitive animal

Every year around 450,000 people in Germany are diagnosed with cancer. Each one of them dreams of a victory in the battle against it. But can cancer ever be completely defeated? Researchers at Kiel University (CAU) have now ...

Scientists reveal details of calcium 'safety-valve' in cells

( —Sometimes a cell has to die—when it's done with its job or inflicted with injury that could otherwise harm an organism. Conversely, cells that refuse to die when expected can lead to cancer. So scientists ...

New method to analyse how cancer cells die

( —A team from The University of Manchester – part of the Manchester Cancer Research Centre - have found a new method to more efficiently manufacture a chemical used to monitor cancer cells.

A major hub for cell-fate decisions

In a recently published study, LMU researchers show that, in a nerve-cell lineage in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, a single protein controls the rate of cell-cycle progression, and decides whether cells divide, differentiate ...

Typhoid Mary case may be cracked, a century later

When Typhoid Mary died in 1938, in medical exile on a tiny New York island, she took untold numbers of Salmonella typhi to her grave. No one knew how the bacteria managed to thrive and not kill her.

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