Mitochondrial cooperatives

Mitochondria, the organelles that supply the cell with energy, are highly dynamic and can link up to form complex tubular networks. A new study shows that this response can transiently compensate for a shortfall in energy ...

Computational biology: Cells reprogrammed on the computer

Scientists at the Luxembourg Centre for Systems Biomedicine (LCSB) of the University of Luxembourg have developed a model that makes predictions from which differentiated cells – for instance skin cells – can be very ...

Origami unfolds a new tissue engineering strategy

Origami, the Japanese art of paper folding, has been around for more than a millennium, but associate professor of mechanical and industrial engineering Carol Livermore is now using it to create solutions in an emerging multidisciplinary ...

How birds lost their penises

In animals that reproduce by internal fertilization, as humans do, you'd think a penis would be an organ you couldn't really do without, evolutionarily speaking. Surprisingly, though, most birds do exactly that, and now researchers ...

Stem cell pioneer sues Nobel assembly in US

A pioneer of stem cell research is suing the assembly that awards the Nobel medicine prize, in a first such lawsuit, over claims it made about this year's winners, a spokeswoman said Thursday.

MicroRNAs in plants: Regulation of the regulator

MicroRNAs are essential regulators of the genetic program in multicellular organisms. Because of their potent effects, the production of these small regulators has itself to be tightly controlled. That is the key finding ...

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