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Brand name advertising clicks with online shoppers

( -- Brand names in online search engine advertising campaigns can attract more attention and encourage more sales than campaigns that use generic terms, according to Penn State researchers.

Branding like Beckham

Creating a family brand as successful as David and Victoria Beckham's is a matter of adhering to practices that promote a family's distinctiveness and visibility, according to a study recently published in Family Business ...

Brand-conscious consumers take bad news to heart

Consumers with close ties to a brand respond to negative information about the beloved brand as they do to personal failure – they experience it as a threat to their self-image, according to a new study by a University ...

How to tell real whiskey from fake -- faster

Methods for distinguishing between authentic and counterfeit Scotch whisky brands have been devised by scientists at the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow.

When will a message of social responsibility backfire?

Consumers don't react positively to all messages of corporate social responsibility, according to a new study in the Journal of Consumer Research. The message needs to line up with consumers' mindsets and understanding of ...

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