Related topics: consumers ยท journal of consumer research

Google social network adding verified accounts

Google announced that it will let users of its online social network have verified accounts with names or brands in a manner similar to that offered at Facebook and Twitter.

Twitter lets advertisers better target tweets

Twitter on Thursday began letting businesses more easily turn tweets into advertising that targets users of the globally popular one-to-many text messaging service.

70 more websites seized in US copyright crackdown

US authorities seized 70 websites suspected of selling counterfeit goods using luxury brand names such as Louis Vuitton, Tiffany or Burberry and sports logos like NFL and MLB, officials said Thursday.

Celebrity endorsements not always a good bet, study shows

( -- Companies paying celebrities big money to endorse their products may not realize that negative perceptions about a celebrity are more likely to transfer to an endorsed brand than are positive ones, according ...

With tablet, Microsoft takes page from Apple

With its new tablet computer, Microsoft is taking a page from Apple's playbook in an effort to control both hardware and software for computers, in a strategy which carries some risk, analysts say.

Intel flirts with exascale leap in supercomputing

( -- If exascale range is the next destination post in high-performance computing then Intel has a safe ticket to ride. Intel says its new Xeon Phi line of chips is an early stepping stone toward exascale. Intel ...

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