Light-induced changes in shape power a pump in a marine bacterium

RIKEN biochemists have discovered how a miniscule pump in a marine microbe shuttles negative ions into the cell by changing shape when activated by light. As well as providing insights into how these ion pumps work, the findings ...

The neuronal mechanism behind motivation

Our actions are motivated by the goals we want to achieve. However, little is known about the mechanism in our brains that allow us to make the right decisions to reach our goals. Researchers in the Lüthi lab now identified ...

Sharing office space increases collaboration among researchers

A new study published in PLOS ONE and co-authored by researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Portland State University (PSU) provides addiitional evidence that spatial proximity increases cross-disciplinary ...

New fish species discovered after years of scientific studies

Scientists identify and name new fish species around the globe practically every week. Some turn up in unlikely places, and others display unusual characteristics and behaviors. But it's rare for an unidentified and unnamed ...

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