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Particle physicists report 'intriguing hints' of Higgs Boson

Yesterday physicists in Europe reported possible signs of the Higgs boson, a missing piece in the particle-physics puzzle long suspected of giving elementary particles -- such as electrons and quarks -- their mass.

Possible signs of the Higgs remain in latest analyses (Update)

( -- Two experiments at the Large Hadron Collider have nearly eliminated the space in which the Higgs boson could dwell, scientists announced in a seminar held at CERN today. However, the ATLAS and CMS experiments ...

Scientists excited over hints of finding an elusive particle

Scientists are quivering with anticipation - flying halfway around the world for a close-up view of the action and devouring the latest updates from the blogosphere the way some girls track the doings of Justin Bieber.

LHC to narrow search for Higgs boson

Scientists at the world's largest atom smasher have new data that shows with greater certainty where to find a long-sought theoretical particle that would help explain the origins of the universe.

Could the Higgs boson explain the size of the Universe?

( -- The Universe wouldn't be the same without the Higgs boson. This legendary particle plays a role in cosmology and reveals the possible existence of another closely related particle.

Endgame for the Higgs Boson

The last missing piece of scientists’ fundamental model of particle physics is running out of places to hide.

'God particle' out of hiding places: CERN chief

The elusive Higgs Boson, known as the "God particle", is -- if it exists -- running out of places to hide, the head of the mammoth experiment designed to find it said on Thursday.

Z-prime search may hurdle Higgs hunt

If you're bummed about humanity's biggest accelerator not producing a Higgs particle yet, maybe the latest effort to find a Z-prime will make you feel better.

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