Related topics: particles · cern · physicists · higgs boson

Describing particle coupling in condensed matter

The seemingly countless recent discoveries and predictions of particle physics are spurred by increasingly sophisticated mathematical theories and predictions. European researchers made important contributions to descriptions ...

Researchers' data are closing in on Higgs boson particle

Scientists at the world's largest atom smasher say they have reams of new data that will reveal with greater certainty whether they have already glimpsed a long-sought theoretical particle that could help explain the origins ...

Latest edition of the 'Particle Physics Bible' now online

The Review of Particle Physics, a panorama of the world of high-energy and astroparticle physics, has been compiled and issued every two years since 1957 by the international Particle Data Group, now consisting of almost ...

Third research team close to creating Majorana fermion

( -- Recently there has been a virtual explosion of research efforts aimed at creating the elusive Majorana fermion with different groups claiming to be near to creating them. First there was news that a team ...

Hints of the Higgs - papers are submitted

Back in December 2011, the ATLAS and CMS experiments at CERN presented some exciting results that provided tantalising hints of the Higgs boson.

Bilayer graphene works as an insulator

A research team led by physicists at the University of California, Riverside has identified a property of "bilayer graphene" (BLG) that the researchers say is analogous to finding the Higgs boson in particle physics.

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