Nanotechnology repaves the path for cancer-fighting T cells

Vanderbilt researchers are bolstering the fight against cancer with technology that enhances the effectiveness of T cells that attack tumors. The cutting-edge research was recently published in the journal Science Immunology.

Genetic engineering provides new insights into preventing malaria

A Burnet Institute-led collaboration has used genome sequencing and genetic engineering to explain how a specially selected drug molecule or compound can prevent the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum from invading red ...

Solving the mystery behind how nutrients enter cells

For the nutrients that feed our cells to reach their destination, proteins embedded in the cell membrane often must shuttle what's needed across the threshold. When this system breaks down and metabolites fail to reach their ...

Researchers warn of tick-borne disease babesiosis

"Tis the season for hiking now that spring has arrived and temperatures are on the upswing. But with hikes come insect bites and on the increase in North America is babesiosis, a malaria-like disease spread especially between ...

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