Related topics: genes · cells · species · birds · plants

DNA of wolf declared extinct in wild lives on in Texas pack

Researchers say a pack of wild canines found frolicking near the beaches of the Texas Gulf Coast carries a substantial amount of red wolf genes, a surprising discovery because the animal was declared extinct in the wild nearly ...

Rattlesnake venom: Mild, medium and wicked hot

In a surprising evolutionary twist, a new study suggests that while one rattlesnake may routinely feast on lizard meat, its seemingly identical neighbor snake might strike and strike and never kill its would-be reptilian ...

Supercomputing the evolution of a model flower

Scientists using supercomputers found genes sensitive to cold and drought in a plant help it survive climate change. These findings increase basic understanding of plant adaptation and can be applied to improve crops.

Evolution of lying

( —Ultimately, our ability to convincingly lie to each other may have evolved as a direct result of our cooperative nature.

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