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New mechanism discovered in meiosis

Inactivated, but still active– how modification of an enzyme governs critical processes in sexual reproduction.

Blue tits provide insight into climate change

( —Researchers believe that the size of birds' nests created in response to changing weather patterns may be partly to blame for reproductive failures over the last two years.

New three-fingered frog discovered in southern Brazil

On a trek across this Atlantic rainforest reserve in southern Brazil, biologist Michel Garey recalled how on his birthday in 2007 he chanced upon what turned out to be a new species of tiny, three-fingered frogs.

Untangling the tree of life

These days, phylogeneticists – experts who painstakingly map the complex branches of the tree of life – suffer from an embarrassment of riches. The genomics revolution has given them mountains of DNA data that they can ...

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