Related topics: genes · cells · species · birds · plants

Which came first, hermits or kings?

Heather Bracken-Grissom, marine sciences professor in the FIU Department of Biological Sciences, has helped answer one of the most debated questions among evolutionary biologists: Did the hermit crab evolve into the king ...

How dinosaurs may have evolved into birds

Tohoku University researchers and their international collaborators have identified a possible genetic mechanism underlying the evolution of birds, according to a recently published study in Nature Communications.

Study shows starving mantis females attract more males

A study done by Katherine Barry an evolutionary biologist with Macquarie University in Australia has led to the discovery that a certain species of female mantis attracts more males when starving, then do those who are well ...

Whales feel the (sun)burn

Whales have been shown to increase the pigment in their skin in response to sunshine, just as we get a tan.

Communication makes hunting easier for chimpanzees

Similar to humans, chimpanzees use communication to coordinate their cooperative behavior—such as during hunting. When chimpanzees produce a specific vocalization, known as the "hunting bark," they recruit more group members ...

How gold nanoparticles can help fight ovarian cancer

Positively charged gold nanoparticles are usually toxic to cells, but cancer cells somehow manage to avoid nanoparticle toxicity. Mayo Clinic researchers found out why, and determined how to make the nanoparticles effective ...

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