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Seals have a sense of rhythm

Rhythm is important for human music and speech. But are we the only mammal with a sense of rhythm? In an experimental study published in Biology Letters, a team of researchers led by the Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics ...

Q&A with a chromosome cartographer

La Jolla Institute for Immunology Associate Professor Ferhat Ay, Ph.D., is building some of the world's smallest maps. Dr. Ay harnesses computers to transform DNA genomic sequences into 3D maps. These maps can reveal how ...

Manipulating stress response in cells could help slow down aging

Scientists at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU Singapore) have found that a stress response in cells, when "switched on" at a post-reproductive age, could be the key to slow down aging and promote longevity.

Unlocking the secrets of 'glacier flour'

The meltwater from glaciers carries thousands of tiny rock fragments into the sea. Using a special camera, researchers at the University of Oldenburg can make these mineral particles visible in all their diversity—and investigate ...

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