Related topics: international space station

Image: Expedition 48 Soyuz rollout

The Soyuz MS-01 spacecraft is raised vertical after it was rolled out by train to the launch pad at the Baikonur Cosmodrome, Kazakhstan, Monday, July 4, 2016.

A Swiss camera is going to Mars

The Trace Gas Orbiter, which will search for traces of biological life on the red planet, was launched into space this morning. The probe's array of instruments includes a high-tech camera built at the University of Bern ...

Video: Launch to Mars

Animation visualising milestones during the launch of the ExoMars 2016 mission and its cruise to Mars. The mission comprises the Trace Gas Orbiter and an entry, descent and landing demonstrator module, Schiaparelli, which ...

Video: Principia mission overview

Named after Isaac Newton's text Naturalis Principia Mathematica, ESA's Principia mission will be the eighth long-duration mission to the International Space Station.

ESA video: Iriss liftoff

ESA astronaut Andreas Mogensen, commander Sergei Volkov and Aidyn Aimbetov were launched into space this morning 2 September at 04:37:43 GMT (06:37:43 CEST) from Baikonur cosmodrome, Kazakhstan.

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