Related topics: cells

New possibilities for the medical use of botulinun toxin A1

PSI researchers have discovered a surprising trick that could expand the possibilities for medical use of botulinun toxin A1, better known under the name Botox, as an active agent. They have developed antibody-like proteins ...

Genomic studies shed light on the origins of bee venom

Bees, wasps and ants belong to the Hymenoptera order and inject a whole cocktail of venomous ingredients when they sting. Despite their tremendous ecological and economic importance, little was previously known about the ...

Molecular scaffold offers new approaches for spinal cord injury

Northwestern Medicine scientists have developed a molecular "scaffold" capable of enhancing electrical activity and growth in neurons, which may prove useful in treating spinal cord injuries, according to recent results published ...

A protein that helps plant cells 'eat themselves'

Scientists from the Department of Experimental Plant Biology at the Faculty of Science of Charles University have published research in Nature Plants that brings new insights into the function of the ARP2/3 protein complex ...

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