Search results for author:(John Hewitt)

General Physics May 22, 2013

Novel features of helium-3 superfluidity discovered with new SQUID detector chip

( —In order to study many complex phenomena, physicists seek to isolate them in potential wells or boxes with easily described forms and boundary conditions. These features in turn dictate various behaviors of ...

General Physics May 13, 2013

Manipulating Lorentz and Fano spectral line shapes

( —It is widely known that the optical properties of certain materials can be modified by using lasers to control the quantum states of their optical electrons. Lasers that can generate ultra-short pulses in the ...

Cell & Microbiology May 7, 2013

Sequencing reveals complex history of amphibian-killing fungus

( —One of the biggest threats facing amphibian species is the disease chytridiomycosis, which is caused by a fungus known as Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd). An understanding of the evolutionary history of ...

Quantum Physics May 3, 2013

Creating time crystals with a rotating ion ring

( —There has been a lot of talk recently about the possibility of building what has come to be known as a time crystal. In February 2012, Frank Wilczek originally proposed the idea that under certain conditions, ...

Biotechnology May 2, 2013

A closer look at the GM debate

In the first chapter of The Origin of Species, Charles Darwin detailed his examinations of the skeletons of a variety of different breeds of domestic pigeons. To agreement today, he concluded that they all descended, by selective ...

General Physics Apr 25, 2013

Optical magnetic microscope for high-resolution, wide-field cell imaging

( —Nano-sized crystals of magnetic material can be found in a wide variety of organisms. Among the most studied are magnetotactic bacteria, which can orient and navigate using biosynthesized magnetosomes. These ...

General Physics Apr 22, 2013

The emergence of complex behaviors through causal entropic forces

( —An ambitious new paper published in Physical Review Letters seeks to describe intelligence as a fundamentally thermodynamic process. The authors made an appeal to entropy to inspire a new formalism that has ...

Astronomy Apr 16, 2013

Remnants of supernova explosion found in ancient magnetotactic bacteria

( —Back in 2004, German scientists discovered traces of supernova ejecta that had been deposited in the deep-sea ferromanganese crust of the pacific ocean. They dated the supernova event to 2.8 million years ago ...

Energy & Green Tech Apr 12, 2013

The Velkess Flywheel: A more flexible energy storage technology

( —A new Kickstarter project called Velkess (Very Large Kinetic Energy Storage System) has recently gotten underway to bring an inexpensive flywheel to market. The project is headed by Bill Gray, who has taken ...

General Physics Apr 10, 2013

Physics at the threshold of hearing

( —The mammalian auditory system is one of the most sensitive detectors found in nature. Two kinds of cells, the inner and outer hair cells, work together to transduce mechanical vibrations into action potentials. ...

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