Search results for zeolite

Analytical Chemistry Nov 1, 2022

Clean hydrogen fuel is easier to produce from seawater with stable hierarchical electrocatalysts

Seawater, which comprises more than 95% of the Earth's water, could become a key resource in the sustainable production of clean hydrogen fuel with use of water-splitting catalysts developed by a KAUST-led team.

Nanomaterials Oct 26, 2022

New class of porous metal nanoparticles will yield new capabilities in absorption, chemical sensing and separations

Researchers from Northwestern University have made a significant advance in the way they produce exotic open-framework superlattices made of hollow metal nanoparticles.

Materials Science Oct 20, 2022

Mechanism of ketene transformation to gasoline catalyzed by H-SAPO-11

A joint research team led by Prof. Pan Xiulian, Prof. Bao Xinhe and Prof. Hou Guangjin from the Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics (DICP) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) revealed the reaction mechanism of ketene ...

Analytical Chemistry Oct 17, 2022

Multiscale dynamical cross-talk in zeolite-catalyzed methanol-to-olefins reaction

Methanol-to-olefins (MTO) conversion, one of the most important reactions in C1 chemistry, has proven to be the most successful non-petrochemical industrialized routes for producing light olefins. Dalian Institute of Chemical ...

Analytical Chemistry Oct 17, 2022

Dynamic confinement of zeotype cages on the selectivity control in syngas conversion

Syngas conversion, as the core technology for efficient and clean utilization of carbon resources such as coal, natural gas, CO2 and biomass, has received extensive attention from both academia and industry. An increasing ...

Polymers Oct 6, 2022

New process could enable more efficient plastics recycling

The accumulation of plastic waste in the oceans, soil, and even in our bodies is one of the major pollution issues of modern times, with over 5 billion tons disposed of so far. Despite major efforts to recycle plastic products, ...

Analytical Chemistry Sep 28, 2022

Synergistic catalysts for high-efficiency hydrogen storage

Hydrogen energy is regarded as promising renewable energy. However, the development of hydrogen energy is restricted by the safe and efficient storage and transportation of hydrogen. Therefore, it remains challenging to explore ...

Analytical Chemistry Sep 22, 2022

Recent advances in solid-state NMR studies of zeolite catalysts

Zeolites are important inorganic crystalline microporous materials with a broad range of application in the areas of catalysis, ion exchange, and adsorption/separations. Due to their unique pore structure, high thermal stability ...

Nanomaterials Sep 22, 2022

Synthesizing nanosized zeolites

Zeolites are crystalline inorganic materials whose oxide-based framework is built with corner-sharing TO4 tetrahedrons, where T refers to a tetrahedral atom, most commonly Si and Al. Thanks to their well-defined structure ...

Analytical Chemistry Sep 9, 2022

Building scaffolds using exotic elements: Research team succeeds in creating novel metal-organic frameworks

After their discovery 25 years ago, metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) quickly gained the aura of a "miracle material" due to their particular properties: their large inner surfaces and tuneable pore sizes facilitate improved ...

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