Search results for author:(John Hewitt)

Cell & Microbiology Aug 26, 2015

Reprogramming the oocyte

(—Among other things, the egg is optimized to process the sperm genome. The cytoplasmic factors that make this possible also give the egg the ability to reprogram the nuclei from other kinds of cells if these nuclei ...

Cell & Microbiology Jul 27, 2015

Driving myelination by actin disassembly

(—If a metallurgist wanted to determine how a blade was made they might cut a small cross section, mount, polish, and etch it, and then look at it under a microscope. They could probably tell right away whether ...

Evolution Jun 4, 2015

Quality, quantity, and freshness in the reproductive game

(—Many intuitions drawn from our machine world do not smoothly extended to the biological. Whereas the screws or other fasteners used in an automobile typically tend to loosen over time with use, the hardware found ...

Biotechnology May 20, 2015

Brains, Genes, and Primates: The future of higher research on the planet of the apes

(—'Brains, Genes, and Primates' is the title of a curious perspective article recently published in the journal Neuron. In it, a who's who of dignitaries and luminaries from the field of neuroscience toss out a ...

Biochemistry May 5, 2015

Controlling the internal structure of mitochondria

(—One might think of mitochondria as devices for transporting electrons to their lowest energy state. Little bags of finely-tuned respiratory chain subunits which combine electrons extracted from food with oxygen, ...

Biochemistry Apr 20, 2015

Plausibility of the vibrational theory of smell

The vibrational theory of olfaction explains several aspects of odorant detection that theories based purely on receptor binding do not. It provides for additional selectivity through receptors that are tuned to specific ...

Quantum Physics Apr 15, 2015

Quantum Criticality in life's proteins (Update)

(—Stuart Kauffman, from the University of Calgary, and several of his colleagues have recently published a paper on the Arxiv server titled 'Quantum Criticality at the Origins of Life'. The idea of a quantum criticality, ...

Cell & Microbiology Apr 1, 2015

The vital question: Why is life the way it is?

The Vital Question: Why is life the way it is? is a new book by Nick Lane that is due out on April 23rd. His question is not one for a static answer but rather one for a series of ever sharper explanations—explanations ...

Cell & Microbiology Mar 26, 2015

New mitochondrially-derived peptides show what they can do

(—There is a whole lot more to the textbook mitochondrial genome then once was thought. A case in point is a multifunctional peptide named humanin that is dual-encoded deep within 16S ribosomal RNA gene in the ...

Cell & Microbiology Mar 3, 2015

The origins of polarized nervous systems

(—There is no mistaking the first action potential you ever fired. It was the one that blocked all the other sperm from stealing your egg. After that, your spikes only got more interesting. Waves of calcium flooding ...

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