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Ancient Mycenaean armor tested by Marines and pronounced suitable for extended combat
Ancient DNA study reveals population history of Western Tibetan Plateau
Ancient people hunted now extinct elephants at Tagua Tagua Lake in Chile 12,000 years ago, study finds
Excavation reveals 'major' ancient migration to Timor Island
Researchers succeed for first time in accurately dating a 7,000-year-old prehistoric settlement using cosmic rays
DNA analysis reveals that Jamestown Colony residents ate dogs with Indigenous ancestry
The first lithic study of level VI-B at the Mumba site in Tanzania reveals Middle Stone Age industry
How Neanderthal language differed from modern human—they probably didn't use metaphors
Legacy of Indigenous stewardship of camas dates back more than 3,500 years, study finds
Pyramids built along long-lost river, scientists discover
Study finds paleolithic people settled in Cyprus thousands of years earlier than previously thought
A devastating fire 2,200 years ago preserved a moment of life and war in Iron Age Spain, down to a single gold earring
Horse remains show Pagan-Christian trade networks supplied horses from overseas for the last horse sacrifices in Europe
Remains of two men from central China shed light on ancient practice of punitive amputation
Pottery residue research explores culinary traditions in Germany from the Early Neolithic to the Bronze Age
Discovery may explain why Egyptian pyramids were built along long-lost Ahramat branch of the Nile
Underground 'anomaly' found near iconic Giza pyramid complex
Archaeologists excavate medieval timber hall at historic Skipsea site
Study reveals the dietary practices of the agropastoral communities of the northeast Iberian Peninsula
The reconstruction of a 75,000-year-old Neanderthal woman makes her look quite friendly—there's a problem with that

Other news

Condensed Matter
Researchers observe quantum critical Bose gas of magnons in quasi-2D antiferromagnet
Planetary Sciences
NASA satellite images of cyclones on Jupiter reveal storms are fueled by processes similar to those on Earth
Plants & Animals
Tiger shark vomits echidna, shocking Australian scientists
Space Exploration
World's most powerful rocket Starship set for next launch
Plants & Animals
Flapping frequency of birds, insects, bats and whales predicted with just body mass and wing area
Earth Sciences
New findings challenge traditional beliefs about the cause of earthquakes
Social Sciences
Study shows banning false information traffickers online can improve public discourse
Analytical Chemistry
A cracking discovery: Eggshell waste can recover rare earth elements needed for green energy
Astronomers investigate giant molecular clouds in the galaxy NGC 613
The importance of the paradise fish in evolutionary and behavioral genetics research
General Physics
Study suggests germanium isotope really does have an 11-day half-life
Elephant seal outbreak marks first transnational spread of highly pathogenic avian influenza in mammals
Atomizer of history: How perfume research has shaped a century of scientific innovation
Plants & Animals
Researchers solve 2,000-year-old mystery of the destructive shipworm
Earth Sciences
Fighting fires from space in record time: How AI could prevent a repeat of Australia's devastating wildfires
Social Sciences
Study finds US Islamist extremist co-offenders form close-knit groups driven by mutual contacts, homophily effects
Plants & Animals
Unknown species discovered on deep-sea expedition
Economics & Business
Study finds simple headlines attract more online news readers
Optics & Photonics
Toward testing the quantum behavior of gravity: A photonic quantum simulation
Earth Sciences
Climate change will make air pollution worse—here's how