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Quantum entangled photons react to Earth's spin

A team of researchers led by Philip Walther at the University of Vienna carried out a pioneering experiment where they measured the effect of the rotation of Earth on quantum entangled photons. The work, published in Science ...

New approach to identifying altermagnetic materials

Magnetic materials have traditionally been classified as either ferromagnetic, like the decorative magnets on iron refrigerator doors that are seemingly always magnetic, or antiferromagnetic, like two bar magnets placed end-to-end ...

When quantum dots meet blue phase liquid crystal elastomers

Circularly polarized luminescence (CPL) materials have attracted tremendous attention for their potential applications in many fields, such as molecular sensors, information encryption, and optical storage. So far, using ...

Wide-field, high-resolution and broadband mesoscopic objective lens

Optical microscopes are indispensable research tools in fields such as life sciences, medical science, and materials science. The objective lens is the core component of the microscope, determining two key parameters of microscopic ...

Physicists report optical analog of Kármán vortex street

In a study published in Nature Communications, collaborating physicists from Singapore and the UK have reported an optical analog of the Kármán vortex street (KVS). This optical KVS pulse reveals fascinating parallels between ...

Researchers tune Casimir force using magnetic fields

Research teams led by Prof. Zeng Changgan and Zhang Hui from the Hefei National Laboratory for Physical Sciences at the Microscale, the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences ...

More news

Optics & Photonics
Scientists unveil all-optical phase conjugation method using diffractive wavefront processing
Condensed Matter
New theory links quantum geometry to electron-phonon coupling
Optics & Photonics
New theory describes how waves carry information from surroundings
Quantum Physics
A route to scalable Majorana qubits
Optics & Photonics
Researchers leverage inkjet printing to make a portable multispectral 3D camera
Optics & Photonics
Scientists adapt astronomy method to unblur microscopy images
General Physics
Shaking the box for new physics: CMS collaboration reports findings on rare B⁰ meson decay
General Physics
Engineer explains the science behind metamaterials and MRI enhancement
Condensed Matter
Researchers unveil the dynamical nature of emergent magnetic monopoles in real magnets for the first time
Condensed Matter
Dark excitons shed new light on matter
Quantum Physics
Pseudomagic quantum states: A path to quantum supremacy
Condensed Matter
A strikingly natural coincidence: Researchers find heating gallium nitride and magnesium forms a superlattice
Plasma Physics
New plasma escape mechanism could protect fusion vessels from excessive heat
Quantum Physics
New technique could help build quantum computers of the future
Condensed Matter
Thermoelectric effect between two liquid materials observed for the first time
General Physics
High-precision timing data determine upper limit for photon mass
Optics & Photonics
A new and simple method for super-resolution microscopy
General Physics
Investigating collective motions in schools of zebrafish could deepen understanding of active systems
Optics & Photonics
'Quantum optical antennas' provide more powerful measurements on the atomic level
General Physics
New study reveals brain's fractal-like structure near phase transition, a finding that may be universal across species

Other news

Secrets of Maya child sacrifice at Chichén Itzá uncovered using ancient DNA
Saturday Citations: Bacterial warfare, a self-programming language model, passive cooling in the big city
Some CRISPR screens may be missing cancer drug targets
Analytical Chemistry
Novel photocatalyst enables efficient ester reduction with blue light
High-speed baby stars circle the supermassive black hole Sgr A* like a swarm of bees
Study on architecture of heart offers new understanding of human evolution
Planetary Sciences
Astronomers discover an Earth-sized exoplanet orbiting a nearby ultracool dwarf star
Plants & Animals
Researchers map genome of the last living wild horse species
Planetary Sciences
Quebec lake meteorite impact yields rare rocks and evidence of extreme heat
Cell & Microbiology
A new weapon in the battle against antibiotic resistance: Temperature
Sharks have depleted functional diversity compared to the last 66 million years, study finds
Plants & Animals
Tiny New Zealand bird delivers a lesson in birdsong evolution
Earth Sciences
Q&A: Barrier islands and dunes protect coastlines, but how are environmental changes affecting them and adjacent land?
Novel insights into fluorescent 'dark states' illuminate ways forward for improved imaging
Study emphasizes trade-offs between arresting groundwater depletion and food security
Researchers harvest acid from seawater to feed beneficial algae
Plants & Animals
Chimpanzees understand that they are sometimes relying on luck when making guesses, research suggests
High-precision measurements challenge our understanding of Cepheids
Analytical Chemistry
New photocatalytic COFs mimic photosynthesis for H₂O₂ production
Paleontology & Fossils
30 million-year-old cousin of chinchillas shows signs of enhanced hearing and living in groups

Researchers debut new X-ray resources for studying molecules

Soon scientists at Argonne National Laboratory near Chicago, Ill., will test-drive what many call the "Ferrari" of synchrotron beamlines--high-tech research facilities for imaging molecules. During a dedication ceremony on ...

Physicists create new form of matter

MIT scientists have brought a supercool end to a heated race among physicists: They have become the first to create a new type of matter, a gas of atoms that shows high-temperature superfluidity. Their work, to be reported ...

Researchers send 'heavy photons' over world-record distances

Unsurpassed exciton distances, lifetimes may lead to new form of optical communication When light hits a semiconductor material and is absorbed, its photons can become "excitons," sometimes referred to as "heavy photons" ...

First experimental evidence of quantum monodromy

Ohio State University physicists have obtained the first-ever experimental evidence of a particular quantum mechanical effect –- one that was theorized a decade ago. The effect, called quantum monodromy* (Greek for "once ...

Liverpool Scientists Help To Solve The Mysteries Of Quarks

Particle physicists are embarking on a new attempt to solve the mysteries of quarks with the completion of the three most powerful supercomputers ever applied to this problem, including one in Edinburgh which scientists at ...

Physicists create artificial cricket hairs

Scientists have re-created one of nature's most sensitive sound detectors – the tiny hairs found on body parts of crickets, which allow them to hear predators and make an escape before they get close enough to catch them. ...

Just How 'Earth-like' Is The Newest Planet?

In the land rush known as extrasolar planet hunting, the most prized real estate is advertised as "Earth-like." On Monday, June 13, scientists raced to plant their flag on a burning hunk of rock orbiting a red star.