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Alternating currents for alternative computing with magnets

A new study conducted at the University of Vienna, the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems in Stuttgart, and the Helmholtz Centers in Berlin and Dresden takes an important step in the challenge to miniaturize computing ...

Balloon mission tests quantum sensor technology

A WashU team launched the Dilution Refrigerator Transition Edge Sensor (DR-TES) mission on Sept. 24 from NASA's scientific balloon facility in Fort Sumner, N.M. The mission is testing a sophisticated cooling system and a ...

Simulating a critical point in quark gluon fluid

Scientists are conducting experiments in search of evidence of a possible critical point in the Quantum Chromodynamics phase diagram. Quantum chromodynamics describes how the strong force binds quarks and antiquarks together ...

Discovering new energy levels in atomic hyperfine structures

Since the late 1960s, the Laboratoire Aimé Cotton (LAC) in Orsay, France, has made significant progress in the classification of complex atomic spectra. These advances have been driven both by the development of Fourier ...

Controlling light while measuring trapped ion qubits

Quantum information is fragile and often difficult to protect during experiments. Protecting qubits from accidental measurements is essential for controlled quantum operations, especially during state-destroying measurements ...

More news

Quantum Physics
Even the heaviest particles experience the usual quantum weirdness, new experiment shows
General Physics
Physicist finds tailwind has minimal impact on uphill cycling speed in Everesting challenges
General Physics
Scientists propose a new method to search for dark matter using LIGO
General Physics
Preparing the LHC and its injector complex for the 2024 lead-ion run
General Physics
Findings hint at a superfluid phase in ²⁹F and ²⁸O
Mysteries of the bizarre 'pseudogap' in quantum physics finally untangled
Condensed Matter
New material with wavy layers of atoms exhibits unusual superconducting properties
General Physics
Researchers build AI model database to find new alloys for nuclear fusion facilities
Condensed Matter
Topological quantum computers a step closer with new method to 'split' electrons
Quantum Physics
Were Bohr and von Neumann really in conflict over quantum measurements?
Optics & Photonics
Researchers improve tunability in optical differentiation
General Physics
Ocean waves grow way beyond known limits, new research finds
Condensed Matter
Antiferromagnetic spintronics advance opens door to next-gen electronics
General Physics
LHC experiments observe quantum entanglement at the highest energy yet
Plasma Physics
Tracking plasma progression in a picosecond: Physicists develop ultra-fast laser method to study high-density plasmas
General Physics
Physicists reveal evolution of shell structure using machine learning
Quantum Physics
Researchers simplify design of optical atomic clocks without compromising performance
Quantum Physics
Different qubit architecture could enable easier manufacturing of quantum computer building blocks
General Physics
Neutron scientists wake a sleeping giant after nine-month nap and makeover
Optics & Photonics
Newly developed OLED could enable compact, lightweight night vision

Other news

Earth Sciences
Climate change will lead to wetter US winters, modeling study finds
Cell & Microbiology
Shedding light on a decades-old protein sorting mystery
Study offers new explanation for Siberia's permafrost craters
Plants & Animals
Presence of bacteria in soil makes flowers more attractive to pollinators, study shows
Turbulent solar wind originates in the sun's corona, study shows
Analytical Chemistry
New research could extend the lifetime of key carbon-capture materials
Analytical Chemistry
Simultaneous detection of uranium isotopes and fluorine advances nuclear nonproliferation monitoring
Earth Sciences
The unexpected role of magnetic microbes in deep-sea mining
Hubble finds that a black hole beam promotes stellar eruptions
Cell & Microbiology
A new AI model can predict substrate movement into and out of cells
Bio & Medicine
Scientists develop method to control timing of synthetic DNA droplet division
Social Sciences
Team debunks research showing Facebook's news-feed algorithm curbs election misinformation
Dead coral skeletons hinder reef regeneration by sheltering seaweed
Plants & Animals
Scientists uncover a critical component that helps killifish regenerate their fins
Unexpected discovery of early sweet potato cultivation in Polynesia
Planetary Sciences
NEID Earth Twin Survey discovers its first alien world
Plants & Animals
Genetic rescue for rare red foxes? Research uncovers options to restore Lassen red fox population
Earth Sciences
Four billion years ago, but not so different: Plate tectonics likely looked closer to what we experience today
Planetary Sciences
Existence of an Earth-like planet around a dead sun offers hope for our planet's ultimate survival
Planetary Sciences
Aliphatic hydrocarbons on Ceres' surface found to have short lifetimes

Lasers deliver powerful shocking punch in material experiments

Shock experiments are widely used to understand the mechanical and electronic properties of matter under extreme conditions, like planetary impacts by meteorites. However, after the shock occurs, a clear description of the ...

Researcher's cryo-imaging continues to drive quantum discoveries

It wasn't nostalgia that brought Judy Cha, Ph.D. '09, back to Cornell. Among the reasons she left Yale University and joined the Department of Materials Science and Engineering two years ago was the prospect of working with ...

Heating for fusion: Why toast plasma when you can microwave it

Some believe the future of fusion in the U.S. lies in compact, spherical fusion vessels. A smaller tokamak, it is thought, could offer a more economical fusion option. The trick is squeezing everything into a small space. ...

Researchers develop energy-efficient optical neural networks

EPFL researchers have published a programmable framework that overcomes a key computational bottleneck of optics-based artificial intelligence systems. In a series of image classification experiments, they used scattered ...

Calculating faster: Coupling AI with fundamental physics

Atoms are complex quantum systems consisting of a positively charged nucleus surrounded by negatively charged electrons. When multiple atoms come together to form a molecule, the electrons of the constituent atoms interact ...

A 'measure' advance for ultrashort laser light

The Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai has pioneered a method to measure ultrahigh power, ultrashort laser pulses in a comprehensive manner. The paper reporting this has been published in the journal Optica.