Who can sort the rain?

If you want to predict extreme rainstorms, it's vital you know how small processes, such as condensation, affect bigger systems. These small processes, however, are hard to study. To learn more about these microphysical processes, ...

Do alpha particle condensates exist in oxygen nuclei?

Nuclei in their lowest energy states (ground state) are composed of neutrons and protons. Two protons and two neutrons in a nucleus can cluster together to form alpha particles. When the nucleus gets nearly enough energy ...

Supplying high-quality cancer-imaging isotopes

Zirconium-89 is a radionuclide that's just right for cancer tumor imaging. When the isotope is combined with a tumor-seeking molecule, it lasts long enough in the body to find the tumor and to be imaged. Researchers developed ...

Not all ions in tokamaks go with the flow

For the first time, scientists are measuring the rotation of the main (deuterium) plasma in the edge region of a fusion device. New spectroscopic measurements combined with state-of-the-art spectroscopic simulation made this ...

High-energy X-ray bursts from low-energy plasma

Solar flares shouldn't produce X-rays, but they do. Why? The one-size-fits-all approach to electron collisions misses a lucky few that lead to an intense X-ray burst. Scientists thought there were too many electron-scattering ...

Radio telescope gets upgrade at Brookhaven lab

A radio telescope at the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Brookhaven National Laboratory has received a significant upgrade, advancing from one dish to four. The upgrades are part of the Laboratory's ongoing effort to test ...

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