Synergy for storage: Containing nuclear waste for thousands of years

Browsing the Gilcrease Museum's collection of pre-Columbian American art and tools in Tulsa, OK, one keeps coming back to the obsidian knives, arrowheads (or "projectile points," to anthropologists), and even ear ornaments—glossy ...

Lithium ions flow through solid material

Scientists at the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Argonne National Laboratory, in collaboration with researchers from Purdue University and Rutgers University, have merged materials science and condensed matter physics ...

Forming the ion that made the universe

The trihydrogen cation, H3+, is the starting point for almost all molecules in the universe. Typically, H3+ is formed by collisions involving hydrogen gas, but its chemistry at the molecular level is relatively unknown. When ...

Modeling the origin story of the elements

More than 1800 years ago, Chinese astronomers puzzled over the sudden appearance of a bright "guest star" in the sky, unaware that they were witnessing the cosmic forge of a supernova, an event repeated countless times scattered ...

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