Surrounded by low achievers—High on positive emotions?

The phenomenon tremendously important for a person's self-perception is referred to as the "Big Fish, Little Pond Effect" (BFLPE). A fish perceives itself as big when it swims in a comparatively small pond. This means: If ...

From a plant sugar to toxic hydrogen sulfide

In a doctoral research project conducted at the Department of Biology, researchers have described the degradation of the dietary sugar sulfoquinovose by anaerobic bacteria to toxic hydrogen sulfide for the first time—increased ...

Sweet lysine degradation

Researchers from the Departments of Chemistry and Biology at the University of Konstanz have gained fundamental new insights into the degradation of the amino acid lysine—carcinogenic oncometabolites as intermediate products

Impact on the collective behaviour of animal groups

Disturbance events such as human interference or predator attacks may negatively affect animal groups. Using an innovative tracking technique, researchers from the University of Konstanz and the Max Planck Institute for Ornithology ...

Disrupting communication in infectious bacteria

Chemists in Konstanz have inhibited the biosynthesis of a bacterial signal and, as a result, blocked the infectious properties of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, the most common germ found in health care facilities.

Hybridization boosts evolution

Animals that have either migrated to or been introduced in Central Europe, such as the Asian bush mosquito or the Asian ladybeetle, have adapted well to their new homes due to changing climatic conditions. If these newcomers ...

Hitler: Election campaigner with limited influence?

While history has cast Adolf Hitler as a trailblazing propagandist, he has also been portrayed as a successful political campaign speaker—but does this narrative stand up to scientific scrutiny? Political scientists from ...

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