Economic alien plants more likely to go wild

An international team of researchers led by University of Konstanz ecologist Mark van Kleunen has compiled a global overview of the naturalization success of economic plants, showing that economic use in general, as well ...

Chromosomal speciation in wild house mice

Alterations to chromosomes are considered important in speciation (the process by which new species are formed). This is because several chromosomal rearrangements can make the genome of a few individuals in a population ...

A new protein spin labelling technique

Site-directed spin labelling (SDSL) used in combination with electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy has been a tried and trusted technique for elucidating the structure, function and dynamics of proteins and protein ...

Rapid evolution: New findings on its molecular mechanisms

The mechanisms by which new species arise are still not fully understood. What are the evolutionary processes that drive the evolution of new species? Evolutionary biologists traditionally assumed that geographical barriers ...

Researchers report bio-inspired selective antibiotics

With multi-resistant germs becoming more and more of a threat, we are in need of new antibiotics now more than ever. Unfortunately, antibiotics cannot distinguish between pathogens and beneficial microbes. They can destroy ...

Demographic dissimilarity and absenteeism in blue-collar teams

"Diversity" is a central buzzword in business and labour-related vocabulary, functioning as either a mark of distinction or open flank of today's employers. Many people believe it is sufficient to hire a small number of currently ...

Protein complex may help prevent neurodegenerative diseases

Researchers from the Universities of Konstanz (Germany), Leeds (U.K.) and Stanford (U.S.) have discovered that the nascent polypeptide-associated complex (NAC) prevents the aggregation of proteins associated with several ...

Using artificial intelligence to understand collective behavior

Professor Thomas Müller and Professor Hans Briegel have been carrying out research on a machine learning model for several years that differs significantly from alternative artificial intelligence (AI) learning models. The ...

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