Football through the eyes of a computer

Football on TV: A pass to the left, a gap in the defence, an open striker at the edge of the penalty area. Suddenly, the picture freezes. Lines and diagrams appear between the players. An arrow indicates the trajectory of ...

The limits of friction

Friction is created when two surfaces slide one on top of the other. Since this consumes additional energy, this so-called sliding friction is considered an irksome yet inevitable aspect of dynamic processes. However, to ...

'Left-handed' fish and asymmetrical brains

To humans, being right-handed or left-handed plays an important role. The majority of people are right-handed, while only about 3 percent of people innately use both hands equally well. Preferring one side of the body over ...

Individuality drives collective behavior of schooling fish

New research sheds light on how "animal personalities" - inter-individual differences in animal behaviour - can drive the collective behaviour and functioning of animal groups such as schools of fish, including their cohesion, ...

Cellular transport routes

Unlike many other organisms, plants can't simply run away from environmental conditions that change for the worse. Nonetheless, plants have the ability to react to environmental effects. These reactions are initially subtle, ...

Experiment shows non-classical growth of crystals

This might considerably speed up crystal growth that is of major importance in a number of materials and applications. The liquid state of the building blocks in the preliminary stage might also accelerate the effectiveness ...

Education a top priority

Almost 80 percent of respondents support more or even much more spending on education, whereas only 20 percent would support more spending on defense policy. In a number of countries, a majority of respondents is even willing ...

A new perspective on the European colonization of Asia

In the past, researchers have paid limited attention to this fact, which has led to a dearth of modern anthropological, historical and archaeological investigations as well as insights regarding this period of proto-globilisation ...

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