Nerve wrapping nanofiber mesh promoting regeneration

A research team consisting of Mitsuhiro Ebara, MANA associate principal investigator, Mechanobiology Group, NIMS, and Hiroyuki Tanaka, assistant professor, Orthopaedic Surgery, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine, ...

Improving DNA-detecting transistors

Graphene-based transistors could soon help diagnose genetic diseases. Researchers in India and Japan have developed an improved method for using graphene-based transistors to detect disease-causing genes.

Topological photonic crystal made of silicon

WPI-MANA researchers derive topological photonic states purely based on silicon, which can lead to the development of new functions and devices through integration with semiconductor electronics

Researchers review the state of printed organic electronics

While the world of electronics devices was radically different 30 years ago when Sumitomo Chemical (SC) began developing printed electronics technology, the company had already felt it was an area where they could make a ...

The highs and lows of regenerative medicine

Nanoscale manipulation on the surface of materials could stimulate cells to differentiate into specific tissues – eliminating the use of growth or transcription factors.

Shining light on disease

Cyanine dyes could improve the efficiency of molecular probes in identifying, for example, the presence of a virus or a tumor receptor.

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