Cell & Microbiology

Ciliated eukaryotes study offers simple, versatile method for tubulin staining

Ciliates, a group of single-celled ciliated eukaryotes, have been studied since the dawn of light microscopy, with over 10,000 species described. Cilia are the key feature of ciliates and contribute to their diversity. They ...


Nanoscopic imaging aids in understanding protein, tissue preservation in ancient bones

A pilot study from North Carolina State University shows that nanoscopic 3D imaging of ancient bone not only provides further insight into the changes soft tissues undergo during fossilization, it also has potential as a ...

New technique streamlines synthesis of heavy element compounds

Molecular compounds with heavy elements, like americium, curium and others can now be synthesized in a streamlined and efficient way thanks to a new technique developed by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) researchers.

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Birds need entertainment during avian flu lockdowns

Scientists have studied a flock of Chilean flamingos that were kept indoors due to a government order to stop the spread of avian influenza and found that birds need varied activities during avian flu lockdowns.

The answer to job stress? Why, a pet!

Research published in the International Journal of Management Practice has looked at the relationship between job stress and well-being in people who are pet owners. The work suggests that pets can play a significant part ...

How galaxies and black holes grow together

Over the past two decades, astronomers have concluded that most, if not all, galaxies host massive black holes at their centers—and the masses of a black hole and its host galaxy are correlated. But how are the two connected? ...

NASA's OSIRIS-REx ready for touchdown on asteroid Bennu

NASA's first asteroid sample return mission is officially prepared for its long-awaited touchdown on asteroid Bennu's surface. The Origins, Spectral Interpretation, Resource Identification and Security—Regolith Explorer ...

Japan newborn gets liver stem cells in world first

Doctors in Japan have successfully transplanted liver cells derived from embryonic stem cells into a newborn baby, in a world first that could provide new treatment options for infants.

Brain's 'updating mechanisms' may create false memories

A study published in Current Biology reports on one of the first comprehensive characterizations of poorly formed memories, and may offer a framework to explore different therapeutic approaches to fear, memory and anxiety ...

ESF lists Top 10 new species for 2017

A spider and an ant whose names are drawn from references in popular modern-day literature, a brilliant pink katydid and an omnivorous rat are among the discoveries identified by the College of Environmental Science and Forestry ...

Using design to perform 'non-invasive brain surgery'

Earlier this year, Twitter changed its default avatar from an egg to a human silhouette in an effort to curb harassment on the social media platform. Twitter officials hope the new avatar's impact will be two-fold, encouraging ...

Five questions about tornadoes

May and June are typically peak months for tornadoes in North America. We asked Penn State meteorology professors Paul Markowski and Yvette Richardson to explain why tornadoes form, how to stay safe if you're near one and ...

Material definition of humanity

We define human history through the materials we use: the stone age, the bronze age, the iron age. Perhaps we now live in the plastic age. The next epoch may well be the nanocomposite age. Art and architecture, transport ...