Planetary Sciences

Potentially habitable 'exo-Venus' with Earth-like temperature discovered

Astronomers have made the rare and tantalizing discovery of an Earth-like exoplanet 40 light-years away that may be just a little warmer than our own world. The new paper "Gliese 12 b, A Temperate Earth-sized Planet at 12 ...

General Physics

How a world record 'squeeze' could offer comfort for dark matter hunters

UNSW quantum engineers have developed a new amplifier that could help other scientists search for elusive dark matter particles.

New Saturn-mass exoplanet detected by astronomers

Using NASA's Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS), an international team of astronomers has discovered a new Saturn-mass planet orbiting a solar-type star known as TOI-2447. The finding was reported in a research ...

Birdsong and human voice built from same genetic blueprint

Humans have long been fascinated by bird song and the cacophony of other avian sounds—from coos and honks to quacks and peeps. But little is known about how the unique vocal organ of birds—the syrinx—varies from species ...

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Tech Xplore

Birth of universe's earliest galaxies observed for first time

Using the James Webb Space Telescope, University of Copenhagen researchers have become the first to see the formation of three of the earliest galaxies in the universe, more than 13 billion years ago. The sensational discovery ...

The value of failure in conservation programs

Conservation programs need—and often incentivize—community involvement. For example, a program in Zanzibar, Tanzania, asked communities to protect their village forests in exchange for access to the carbon credits market. ...

Scientists clarify aspect of thin film solid-fluid interactions

Recent correspondence in Nature Materials by a team of campus researchers answers a long-time question that experimental physicist Narayanan Menon says is "one of those things you should be able to look up in a textbook, ...

How to build better highways in plants

As a plant grows, it moves cellular material from its version of manufacturing sites to the cell wall construction zone. Transporter proteins, called motor proteins, are thought to move these cell wall cargo via a complex ...

New electrocatalysts to produce ethanol more efficiently

In recent years, researchers worldwide have been exploring new methods of producing ethanol, a chemical compound that is extensively used in a variety of industrial settings. One way to produce this compound is via what is ...

Researchers discover a new type of matter inside neutron stars

A Finnish research group has found strong evidence for the presence of exotic quark matter inside the cores of the largest neutron stars in existence. They reached this conclusion by combining recent results from theoretical ...

Terahertz radiation can disrupt proteins in living cells

Researchers from the RIKEN Center for Advanced Photonics and collaborators have discovered that terahertz radiation, contradicting conventional belief, can disrupt proteins in living cells without killing them.

Peru reconstructs face of pre-Columbian ruler

Peruvian authorities have revealed the reconstructed face of the Lord of Sipan, a pre-Columbian ruler whose remains were discovered in 1987 and hailed as one of the country's most stunning archaeological finds.

Audi to update 850,000 cars as diesel recalls widen

German automaker Audi says it will fit up to 850,000 diesel cars with new software to improve their emissions performance, following a similar move by rival Daimler as the auto industry tries to get ahead of public controversy ...

Native leech preys on invasive slug?

Citizen science has revealed the spread of the invasive giant slug Limax maximus and its potential native predator in Japan, providing new insights into predator-prey dynamics between introduced prey and native predators.

Image: Lunar module at Tranquility Base

This photograph of the Lunar Module at Tranquility Base was taken by Neil Armstrong during the Apollo 11 mission, from the rim of Little West Crater on the lunar surface. Armstrong's shadow and the shadow of the camera are ...