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Metasurfaces: Tiny tech with big potential

Imagine manipulating light with ultra-thin, flat sheets instead of bulky lenses and mirrors. That's the promise of metasurfaces, a nanostructure technology that can twist and bend light in ways never before possible.

Illuminating the unavoidable imperfections of nanostructures

A new study by a collaborative team from the University of Twente and the e-Science Center in Amsterdam compares the transmission of light through a utopian model with a real 3D nanostructure. These nanostructures are integral ...

World's first micromachine twists 2D materials at will

Just a few years ago, researchers discovered that changing the angle between two layers of graphene, an atom-thick sheet of carbon, also changed the material's electronic and optical properties. They then learned that a "twist" ...

More news

Novel X-ray imaging technique resolves fusion-related nanofoams in 3D
Precise stirring conditions key to optimizing nanostructure synthesis
New X-ray world record: Looking inside a microchip with 4 nanometer precision
Researchers reveal atomic-scale details of catalysts' active sites
Understanding the forces that regulate crystallization by particle attachment
First 3D visualization of an aluminum nanocomposite for the auto industry
Investigation into the regime between the nano- and microscale could pave the way for nanoscale technologies
Researchers identify unique phenomenon in Kagome metal
New, more sustainable method for manufacturing microchips and other nanoscale devices
Confined water gets electric: Study reveals dielectric response of water in nanopores
Tunable metasurface can control optical light in space and time, offering path to wireless communication channels
3D printing method reveals light emission from nanowires for the first time
Organic polymer blend microspheres exhibit ultra-low threshold lasing with highest reported quality factor
Aluminum scandium nitride films: Enabling next-gen ferroelectric memory devices
New method achieves controllable tuning, assesses instability in 2D materials for engineering applications
Nanoscale trilayer exhibits ultrafast charge transfer in semiconductor materials
Study shows how organic molecules impact gold nanoparticles' electrochemical properties
Researchers achieve unprecedented nanostructuring inside silicon
Atomically thin transducers could one day enable quantum computing at room temperature
Integrating small-angle neutron scattering with machine learning enhances measurements of complex molecular structures

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Researchers advance new class of quantum critical metal that could advance electronic devices
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Protecting just 0.7% of world's land could help save a third of unique and endangered species
Molecular & Computational biology
Crystallized alternative DNA structure sheds light on insulin and diabetes
Planetary Sciences
Nearby super-Earth has a sulfur-rich atmosphere, Webb observations suggest
Researchers propose mechanistic framework to explain complex microbe-host symbioses
Bio & Medicine
Low-cost nanomaterial technology can detect cancer genes with ultra-high sensitivity
Cell & Microbiology
Scientists uncover mechanism preserving centromere during cell division
A chemical cocktail of micropollutants amplified effect of algal toxins in 2022 mass fish mortality event: Study
Earth Sciences
Study suggests US droughts, rainy extremes are becoming more severe
Planetary Sciences
Solution to a cosmic mystery—the eccentric orbits of trans-Neptunian objects
Cell & Microbiology
Researchers discover an effective and environment-friendly disinfectant
Soft Matter
Discovery of a new convective instability in complex fluids, 140 years after Lord Rayleigh
Fluorescent probe reveals action mechanism of serotonin in depression
General Physics
Researchers make sound waves travel in one direction only, with implications for electromagnetic wave technology
Earth Sciences
Ancient volcanic activity reveals climate threshold for ocean deoxygenation
Molecular & Computational biology
Antibody-like molecule shows promise for broad-spectrum malaria therapy
Molecular simulations and supercomputing shed light on energy-saving biomaterials
Quantum Physics
Researchers create a one-dimensional gas out of light
Study reveals new female-determining pathway in turtles
Analytical Chemistry
A potential new route to super-efficient carbon dioxide reduction: Catalyst offers 800-fold boost

Electronic self-passivation of single vacancy in black phosphorus

NUS scientists discovered that a two-dimensional (2D) semiconducting material, known as black phosphorus (BP), exhibits an electronic self-passivation phenomenon by re-arranging its vacancy defects. This may potentially enhance ...

New nanomechanical oscillators with record-low loss

The vibrational modes of nanomechanical resonators are analogous to different notes of a guitar string and have similar properties such as frequency (pitch) and lifetime. The lifetime is characterized by the quality factor, ...

Quantum one-way street in topological insulator nanowires

Very thin wires made of a topological insulator could enable highly stable qubits, the building blocks of future quantum computers. Scientists see a new result in topological insulator devices as an important step towards ...