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Metasurfaces: Tiny tech with big potential

Imagine manipulating light with ultra-thin, flat sheets instead of bulky lenses and mirrors. That's the promise of metasurfaces, a nanostructure technology that can twist and bend light in ways never before possible.

Illuminating the unavoidable imperfections of nanostructures

A new study by a collaborative team from the University of Twente and the e-Science Center in Amsterdam compares the transmission of light through a utopian model with a real 3D nanostructure. These nanostructures are integral ...

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Advancing nanoscale imaging capabilities with dynamic nuclear polarization
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Study proves transfer of feline coronavirus between domestic and wild cats
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Diagnostic test that combines two technologies with machine learning could lead to new paradigm for at-home testing
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A new antimicrobial cotton textile with Cu ions in nanofibers

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A new method to evaluate thermoelectric materials

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Nickel nanowires enhance microwave absorption, study finds

In a study published in Advanced Materials Interfaces, a research team led by Prof. Wang Hui and associate Prof. Sheng Zhigao from the Hefei Institutes of Physical Science (HFIPS) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences reported ...