Stem Cell Reports is an open access forum communicating basic discoveries in stem cell research, in addition to translational and clinical studies. Stem Cell Reports focuses on shorter, single-point manuscripts that report original research with conceptual or practical advances of broad interest to stem cell biologists and clinicians.

Cell Press

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How a 'conductor' makes sense of chaos in early mouse embryos

Early embryonic development is tumultuous. It involves a rapid sequence of events, including cell division, differentiation, and lots of compartments moving around within each cell. Like an orchestra performance where each ...

Stem cell model offers first glimpse of early human development

It's one of life's most defining moments—that crucial step in embryonic development, when an indistinct ball of cells rearranges itself into the orderly three-layered structure that sets the stage for all to come. Known ...

Researchers generate patient-specific cells from thymus organoids

Researchers have used pluripotent stem cells to make thymus organoids that support the development of patient-specific T-cells, researchers report March 23 in the journal Stem Cell Reports. The proof-of-concept work provides ...

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