Dietary restriction gives fruit flies a rhythm for a long life

Dietary restriction enhances the expression of the circadian clock genes in the peripheral tissue of fruit flies, according to research from the Kapahi lab at the Buck Institute. Publishing in Cell Metabolism, the researchers ...

Does the sex of a cell matter in research?

Over the last decade, many drugs that have been pulled from the market due to toxicity were withdrawn because they affected women more than men. It turns out, the studies that brought the drugs to market were designed using ...

Cells are known by the company they keep

Cell culture media surrounds cells growing in the laboratory, and serves as both home and food. The media that scientists have used for decades to study cancer cells is great for promoting cell growth—but not so good at ...

Fat and carb combo creates stronger food craving

When fat and carbohydrates are combined in a single food they are more rewarding, calorie for calorie, than foods with either energy source alone, a Yale-led study published June 14 in the journal Cell Metabolism shows.

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