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Climate change is a human rights issue

In April, the European Court of Human Rights ruled in favor of a group of seniors who alleged that the Swiss government's failure to meet climate change mitigation targets is having an adverse impact on their health, well-being ...

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Microplastics may slow the rate at which carbon is pulled from the sea surface to the depths
Differing values of nature can still lead to joined up goals for sustainability
How China's massive water transfer shapes drinking water quality
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Canada's wildfire season begins
Bolstering environmental data science with equity-centered approaches
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Research finds human activity over natural inputs determines the bacterial community in an ice core
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Linking leaf elemental traits to biomass across forest biomes in the Himalayas
For sale: unique piece of land in strategic Arctic archipelago
Controversial floating beach unveiled off French Riviera
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Revving up individual's climate action: How our plates and wheels can drive down carbon emissions
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Airborne technology brings new hope to map shallow aquifers in Earth's most arid deserts
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Floating robots reveal just how much airborne dust fertilizes the Southern Ocean—a key climate 'shock absorber'
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Ocean warming triggers Indo-Pacific heat waves: Study
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Study analyzes the environmental sustainability of diets among children and adolescents
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International study finds lightning storms are causing sea ice to melt faster at the North Pole
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Enhancing land surface models to visualize vegetation gradients in hilly terrain

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Webb cracks case of inflated exoplanet
Study explores long-term impacts of climate change on plant pollinators and food production
General Physics
A model outlining the microscopic origin of black hole entropy
Bio & Medicine
Study reveals promising development in cancer-fighting nanotechnologies
Study investigates enhancing superconductivity of graphene-calcium superconductors
Planetary Sciences
Webb Telescope offers first glimpse of an exoplanet's interior
Optics & Photonics
Scientists discover single atom defect in 2D material can hold quantum information at room temperature
General Physics
NA64 uses the high-energy SPS muon beam to search for dark matter
New research suggests diverse headgear in hoofed mammals evolved from common ancestor
New method may facilitate the use of graphene nanoribbons in nanoelectronics
Cooperative hunting requires less brainpower than previously thought
REBELS-25 is a dynamically cold disk galaxy, observations find
Exploring extremes in the search for life on Mars
Cell & Microbiology
Researchers identify new drivers of antibiotic resistance in bacteria
Plants & Animals
Endangered migrating eagles impacted by Ukraine war, new study shows
Analytical Chemistry
Machine learning accelerates discovery of solar-cell perovskites
Social Sciences
Gender gaps remain for many women scientists, study finds
Actin research shows how butterfly wings get their vibrant colors
Bio & Medicine
Method for producing sulfur compounds in cells shows promise for tissue repair
Bio & Medicine
Using hybrid nanotubes to enhance cancer treatment with intracellular protein delivery

The case for sharing carbon storage risk

Even the most optimistic projections for the rapid build-out of solar, wind, and other low-carbon resources acknowledge that coal, natural gas, and other fossil fuels will dominate the world's energy mix for decades to come. ...