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Experimental antifungal compound kills multidrug-resistant fungi

The discovery of a new preclinical compound with strong antifungal activity against multidrug-resistant pathogens is described in Nature. The drug, named mandimycin, is a member of a known family of bacterial products with ...

Scientists see the first steps of DNA unwinding

For the first time, scientists have witnessed the very moment DNA begins to unravel, revealing a necessary molecular event for DNA to be the molecule that codes all life. A new study from King Abdullah University of Science ...

Unique cell shape keeps lymphatic vessels and plant leaves stable

The cells that make up the walls of the finest of all lymphatic vessels have a lobate, oak leaf-like shape that makes them particularly resilient to changes in fluid volume. A similar cell shape also supports mechanical stability ...

Can animals make art?

In the forests of eastern Australia, satin bowerbirds create structures known as "bowers."

Plant patch can detect stress signals in real time

Environmental conditions can cause damaging stress to plants, posing challenges for home gardeners and farmers. Therefore, early detection—before leaves visibly discolor, wilt or wither—is crucial.

How light and epigenetics cooperate to regulate plant growth

A research team led by Prof. Cao Xiaofeng at the Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology (IGDB) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) has uncovered the cooperative roles of photoreceptors, epigenetic modifiers, ...

More news

Paleontology & Fossils
New report calls for return of human remains—but UK museums lack the resources to act
Plants & Animals
'Smart' roots modify hydraulics to make strategic use of water, field study confirms
Plants & Animals
First right whale mom and calf of the season spotted in Cape Cod Bay
The tendency of some flowers to be 'honest' and reward pollinators with nectar is partly genetic, study suggests
A Dutch 'fish doorbell' has turned into an unlikely online hit combining slow TV and ecology
Molecular & Computational biology
Protecting crops: RNA-based substances open up new avenue to combat a widespread plant virus
Plants & Animals
Thorny skates come in 'snack' and 'party' sizes: After a century of guessing, scientists now know why
Cell & Microbiology
Scientists discover protein key to bacteria's survival in extreme environments
Plants & Animals
Scientists map neural wiring of vocal circuits in songbirds
Plants & Animals
A social immune system: Leafcutter ants recognize and combat pathogens 30 days post-exposure
Plants & Animals
Stingrays reveal nature's elegant solution to maintaining geometric armor growth
Plants & Animals
Extreme heat impacts dairy production, and small farms are most vulnerable
Molecular & Computational biology
Small molecules, big role: Interactive database illustrates how snoRNAs function in gene regulation
Satellite images reveal how Andalusia's forests have changed over the past three decades
Molecular & Computational biology
Mapping maternal lineages of fine aroma cocoa through chloroplast DNA
Dogs' noses decoded: Optical sensor unveils canine brain's olfactory prowess
Plants & Animals
Conservation efforts are bringing species back from the brink, even as overall biodiversity falls
Genetic study reveals hidden chapter in human evolution
Scientists uncover principles underlying the toxicity of 'selfish' genes
Paleontology & Fossils
Ancient seafloor creature grew like modern marine invertebrates, study suggests

Other news

Long-term Switzerland-wide study finds the layout of trees may impact human health
Optics & Photonics
World's first quantum microsatellite demonstrates secure communication with multiple ground stations
Bio & Medicine
'Molecular library' opens up new frontier of biological space-time
Observations detect a companion star to T Coronae Australis
Surprisingly, some Dyson spheres and ringworlds can be stable
General Physics
Thermomajorization theory provides new framework for quantifying mysterious Mpemba effect
Materials Science
Cations found to be culprit behind degraded platinum electrodes
Condensed Matter
AI helps design Fe-based amorphous alloys for efficient high-power electronics
Condensed Matter
Good vibrations: Scientists discover a method for exciting phonon-polaritons
Earth Sciences
Sea level rise after the last ice age revealed by new geological data
Condensed Matter
Quantum heat dynamics toggled by magnetic fields in semimetal ZrTe₅
Study highlights widespread health co-benefits from all-of-society clean energy actions in the US
Analytical Chemistry
Novel porous material separates deuterium at elevated temperatures efficiently
Earth Sciences
Water stored in the mantle for millions of years may be linked to continental volcanism
Analytical Chemistry
Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy measures real-time chemical changes in molten salt
'Dark universe detective' telescope releases first data
Analytical Chemistry
Dipeptides for carbon dioxide capture: Research reveals promising CO₂ sequestration mechanisms
Velvet worm slime: Reversible liquid-to-fiber transformation inspires sustainable materials
Earth Sciences
Scientists reveal a hidden, sunlight-driven source of a potent greenhouse gas
Space Exploration
Blue Ghost lander captures stunning sunset shots on the moon before falling silent

Museums have tons of data, and AI could make it more accessible

Ice cores in freezers, dinosaurs on display, fish in jars, birds in boxes, human remains and ancient artifacts from long-gone civilizations that few people ever see—museum collections are filled with all this and more.