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Dynamic view of opioid receptor could refine pain relief

Effective pain relief without the debilitating side effects of traditional opioids is closer to becoming a reality thanks to a study by an all-RIKEN team into the structure and dynamics of a drug-bound opioid receptor.

The redpoll finch saga: How two bird species just became one

This week, birders around the world lost one beloved feathered creature from their birding life list. Fortunately, no species went extinct. Instead, this change resolved a long-held misunderstanding about the redpoll finch.

Peeling back the genetic layers of stone fruit domestication

The Prunus genus, encompassing apricots, peaches, plums, and mei, is vital due to its economic and nutritional value. However, the genetic foundations of these species' shared and unique traits remain largely unexplored. ...

Study finds facially expressive primates make better leaders

Facially expressive monkeys are more socially successful and lead better connected social groups, according to research by Nottingham Trent University which shows the benefits of facial communication in primates, including ...

New hope for critically endangered Siamese crocodile

Sixty Siamese crocodiles, from five separate nests, have successfully hatched in Cambodia's Cardamom National Park—the largest record of this species breeding in the wild this century and a massive boost for the survival ...

Fish barriers may aid baby corals in reef recovery

Scientists from the Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS) and James Cook University (JCU) have designed special cradles for baby corals that help prevent fish from eating them alive.

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Stegosaurus fossil fetches nearly $45M, setting record for dinosaur auctions
Smart soil can water and feed itself
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Study identifies RNA molecule that regulates cellular aging
Microbial structures in Antarctic lake could reveal more about how life evolved
Crown-of-thorns starfish larvae feast on toxic cyanobacteria, study finds
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Microbes found to destroy certain 'forever chemicals' by cleaving stubborn fluorine-to-carbon bonds
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Evidence for butchery of giant armadillo-like mammals in Argentina 21,000 years ago
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Scientists identify brain circuits tied to the behavior of schooling fish
Lice cause significant harm to cage-free poultry, study finds
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The most endangered fish are the least studied, scientists find
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Study shows ancient viruses fuel modern-day cancers
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Modular design: New insights into protein factories in human mitochondria
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Influenza viruses can use a second entry pathway to infect cells, study shows
Plants & Animals
Baleen plates provide new insight on life history of blue and fin whales
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Almond genome study paves way for improved breeding strategies
Researchers predict fewer, pricier strawberries as temperatures warm
Plants & Animals
Beyond the Barrier Reef: Australia's three other World Heritage reefs are also in trouble
Forest monitoring reveals self-cleansing effect of radiocesium in ecosystem after Fukushima Daiichi plant accident
Study highlights the benefits of mixing cover crops

Other news

Another intermediate-mass black hole discovery at the center of our galaxy
Observations detect a nearby hypervelocity stellar/substellar object
De-risking drug discovery with predictive AI
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Tool predicts rogue waves up to five minutes in advance
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Scientists integrate solid-state spin qubits with nanomechanical resonators
Scientists replicate enzyme that captures carbon
Scientists unveil cosmic fingerprints of sulfur rings
Nanoscale trilayer exhibits ultrafast charge transfer in semiconductor materials
Scientists develop novel iontronic skin with excellent self-healing efficiency and sensitivity
Rural belts around cities could reduce urban temperatures by up to 0.5°C, study suggests
Earth Sciences
Minerals play newly discovered role in Earth's phosphorus cycle
Material with molecular trapdoor holds promise for highly selective gas adsorption
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Pompeii skeleton discovery shows another natural disaster may have made Vesuvius eruption even more deadly
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Sea ice's cooling power is waning faster than its area of extent, new study finds
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New Jersey salt marsh sediments offer evidence of hurricanes back to the 1500s
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CERN physicist explains how team uses subatomic splashes to restart experiments after annual upgrades
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Diatom surprise could rewrite the global carbon cycle
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New research sheds light on river dynamics and cutoff regimes
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Organic compounds show promise as cheaper alternatives to metal photocatalysts
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Gender inequality across US states revealed by new tool

Novel protein found to inhibit activity of CRISPR-Cas system

In a study published in Nature on July 3, researchers from the Institute of Biophysics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the University of Toronto, Canada, discovered a novel anti-CRISPR protein called AcrIF25, which ...

A black bear may pave the way for new wildlife crossings

A bear taking the scenic route around Southern California may help researchers learn how wild animals cross freeways to get from one habitat to the next—and how they might be kept out of your backyard.