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Research uncovers new strategy for salt-resistant poplar

Salt stress disrupts plant growth by impairing ion balance and reducing water uptake, posing a significant challenge to agriculture and forestry. Maintaining sodium (Na+) and potassium (K+) balance is particularly vital in ...

Genomic study illuminates mango's heritage and future

Mango, a tropical fruit with a long cultivation history, faces significant challenges such as low genetic diversity and limited breeding improvements due to complex domestication and self-pollination. These issues hinder ...

Whole genome duplications linked to higher oil yields in key crops

Oil crops are pivotal for human nutrition and industry due to their ability to produce and store large amounts of oil in seeds. With the global demand for vegetable oils steadily rising, there is an urgent need to discover ...

Harnessing AI to fight global deforestation

The new European Deforestation Regulation (EUDR) is intended to prevent goods marketed in the EU from contributing to the spread of deforestation. When a wood product is brought into the EU market, for example, there must ...

Geoinformatics: Using AI to take better aim against mosquitoes

The Aedes aegypti mosquito is responsible worldwide for the spread of infectious diseases such as dengue, Zika, chikungunya, and yellow fever. To combat the widely transmitted diseases affecting millions, detailed mosquito ...

Unlocking exotic new beer flavors using genetics

One of my favorite summer pastimes is enjoying a cold beer in a bar with friends after work. But not just any beer—it has to be a lager. And I am not alone. With its crisp and refreshing profile, lager accounts for more ...

Study finds RNA molecule controls butterfly wing coloration

A team of international researchers has uncovered a surprising genetic mechanism that influences the vibrant and complex patterns on butterfly wings. In a study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, ...

More news

Molecular & Computational biology
Researchers identify genes for low glycemic index and high protein in rice
Plants & Animals
New discoveries about how mosquitoes mate may help the fight against malaria
Cell & Microbiology
Scientists discover molecular mechanism that plays key role in gene transcription and macrophage functional activation
Cell & Microbiology
AI tool maps out cell metabolism with precision
Molecular & Computational biology
Researchers map 50,000 of DNA's mysterious 'knots' in the human genome
Molecular & Computational biology
Scientists unlock the secrets of how a key protein converts DNA into RNA
Cell & Microbiology
What's in the foods we eat? Researchers develop a food microbiome database
Plants & Animals
Ancient gene gives spiders their narrow waist, research reveals
Cell & Microbiology
Machine-learning models can predict colonization outcomes of complex microbial communities
Cell & Microbiology
Bacteria able to overcome cost of vancomycin resistance in lab setting
Plants & Animals
Scientists discover how starfish get 'legless'
Cell & Microbiology
New knowledge about cell receptors paves the way for future drugs against intestinal tumors
Cell & Microbiology
Study shows an electrically-activated protein regulates spermatogenesis
Cell & Microbiology
Shedding light on the mechanism of yeast DNA repair
Plants & Animals
Novel motion simulator reveals key role of air flow in rodent navigation
Molecular & Computational biology
Protein mutant stability can be inferred from AI-predicted structures
Molecular & Computational biology
The good, the bad, and the cleaved: 14-3-3η in viral battles
Cell & Microbiology
Compounds from nucleic acids in food show anticancer effects
Molecular & Computational biology
Study reveals distinct roles of H3K27me3 and H3K36me3 in winter wheat vernalization
Cell & Microbiology
New research elucidates a master regulator of protein production

Other news

Optics & Photonics
The world's fastest single-shot 2D imaging technique films ultrafast dynamics in flames
Bio & Medicine
Bioengineers develop protein assembly road map for nature-derived nanobubbles
Space Exploration
SpaceX Polaris Dawn mission set to launch early Friday
Plants & Animals
Research shows 50-year generation gap in the bigmouth buffalo, Minnesota's longest-lived fish
Social Sciences
How new words arise in social media
Social Sciences
Simulation study explores how gift giving drives social change
Analytical Chemistry
New method sheds light on the hidden world of solvation shells
Social Sciences
Early exposure to diverse faces helps babies overcome prejudices later in life, study suggests
Plants & Animals
New knowledge about a fungus that turns 60–80% of the flies in your home into zombies
Social Sciences
The right to be wrong: How context or human rationality may influence our decisions
Quantum Physics
Cold-atom simulator demonstrates quantum entanglement between electronic and motional states
Analytical Chemistry
Sulfurous acid detected in gas phase under atmospheric conditions for first time
Mathematicians model a puzzling breakdown in cooperative behavior
Plants & Animals
Tropical plants discovered in Tasmania's ancient Polar Forest
Planetary Sciences
Gigantic asteroid impact shifted the axis of solar system's biggest moon, study finds
New cataclysmic variable system discovered
Planetary Sciences
The Martian polar caps are not created equally—here's why
Plant proteins could be radical alternative to oil-based super lubricants
Paleontology & Fossils
Kākāpō, not kiwi, are the true ancient species of Aotearoa, say paleontologists
Exploring peptide clumping for improved drug and material solutions

Unique characteristics of previously unexplored protein discovered

An international research collaboration has uncovered a new mechanism of the crosstalk between microtubules and actin cytoskeleton during cell division and revealed unique characteristics of the previously unexplored protein ...

Zooplankton study challenges traditional views of evolution

In new research, Arizona State University scientists and their colleagues investigated genetic changes occurring in a naturally isolated population of the water flea, Daphnia pulex. This tiny crustacean, barely visible to ...

Understanding the role of RNA methylation in cancer

RNA modification could serve as a therapeutic target for certain types of cancer, according to a new study published in Molecular Cell, which sheds new light on the complex process underlying RNA transcription.