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Researcher discovers 1 in 5 bacteria can break down plastic

Leiden Ph.D. candidate Jo-Anne Verschoor discovered that nearly 20% of the bacterial strains she studied could degrade plastic, though they needed some encouragement to do so. "Bacteria are just like people," says Verschoor. ...

Aging-emulating biosystem derived from hTSCs

A research team from the Center for Translational Stem Cell Biology (CTSCB) under the LKS Faculty of Medicine at the University of Hong Kong (HKUMed) has developed the world's first cellular system that can be used to rapidly ...

Fish mucus: A form of maternal immunity like mammalian milk

Maternal immunity refers to the immunity transferred across the placenta, colostrum, milk or eggs from mother to offspring. It plays a key role in protecting the vulnerable offspring against pathogenic attacks, and is present ...

Cell division: Before commitment, a very long engagement

Before a cell commits fully to the process of dividing itself into two new cells, it may ensure the appropriateness of its commitment by staying for many hours—sometimes more than a day—in a reversible intermediate state, ...

3D thymic-like hydrogels for T-cell differentiation

A study published in GEN Biotechnology describes the establishment of the first hydrogel-based platform for producing T-cells from hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells. Researchers engineered biomaterials integrated with ...

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Cell & Microbiology
Multidrug-resistant fungi found in commercial soil, compost, flower bulbs
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New fluorescent reporting system illuminates accumulation of unfolded proteins in endoplasmic reticulum
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Global South health care practices contribute to spread of antimicrobial resistance across the world, study suggests
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Ferroptosis: Comprehensive review of important cell death mechanism
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New tool maps microbial diversity with unprecedented details
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Patented probiotic spray method improves hatchability, health of chicks
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Harnessing complementary advantages for optimal microbial control techniques for prepared dishes
Plants & Animals
Battling anthracnose: Unearthing the plant's arsenal against pathogenic fungi
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Harvesting microbes for growth: A soybean success story in acidic soils
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Orchid awakening: Unveiling the hormonal choreography behind flower development
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AI-based approach matches protein interaction partners
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Non-coding RNA acts as 'superhighway' for gene expression, study finds
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3D maps of diseased tissues at subcellular precision
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Study pushes understanding of how cells migrate
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Refining turbulent flow to scale up iPS cell-based platelet manufacturing
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Inspired by nature: Synthetic nightshade molecule effective against leukemia cells
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How E. coli defends itself against antibiotics
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How a biocatalyst might boost the growth of microalgae
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Scientists discover surprising link between ancient biology and restricted human hair growth
Scientists find further evidence that climate change could make fungi more dangerous

Other news

Space Exploration
NASA astronauts will stay at the space station longer for more troubleshooting of Boeing capsule
Tiny bright objects discovered at dawn of universe baffle scientists
The beginnings of fashion: Paleolithic eyed needles and the evolution of dress
Planetary Sciences
Analysis of NASA InSight data suggests Mars hit by meteoroids more often than thought
Space Exploration
A harmless asteroid will whiz past Earth Saturday. Here's how to spot it
Optics & Photonics
New computational microscopy technique provides more direct route to crisp images
Earth Sciences
Investigating newly discovered hydrothermal vents at depths of 3,000 meters off Svalbard
Optics & Photonics
New method for generating monochromatic light in storage rings
Optics & Photonics
Updating the textbook on polarization in gallium nitride to optimize wide bandgap semiconductors
Soft, stretchy electrode simulates touch sensations using electrical signals
Astronomers discover two new Milky Way satellite galaxy candidates
Optics & Photonics
Researchers develop technology to mass produce quantum dot lasers for optical communications
General Physics
New NOvA results add to mystery of neutrinos
General Physics
LHCb investigates the rare Σ+→pμ+μ- decay
Planetary Sciences
Scientists clarify origins of lunar metallic iron
A possible world record: Studying thin films under extreme temperatures with reflectometry
Drowning in waste: Pollution hotspots in aquatic environments
Materials Science
Biodegradable electronics may advance with ability to control dissolve rate
Social Sciences
Study finds motivation to compete is stronger with in-group members than with outsiders
Earth Sciences
Climate change to shift tropical rains northward, suggests computer modeling